“Leave Empty” is a podcast built around special interest stories. I believe that everyone is here for a purpose and should maximize their potential to leave a lasting legacy.
Ep: 7 Real Rap
It is inevitable that we all have a personal appointment with our creator. For some, it can be very scary. For others, it is filled with absolute hope and certainty.
I once met a man who impressed, impacted and inspired me to be a better person, a better husband and a better father. Today that man transitioned into eternity, leaving behind a legacy and foundation for a whole generation to glean from and build on. Rap Curry was a man on a mission, lived his life with a passion and zeal that could not be quelled. His love for his wife Gina and their 3 children was special to say the least. Rap was a son, a brother, an uncle, a mentor, coach, a leader and friend. His legacy will live on through the many lives he touched and the people he loved most.
This episode is dedicated to my friend and brother, Mr. Ralphal “Rap” Curry Jr..